bichoose (bichoose) wrote,

Saturday 3rd January 2015.

I do not usually sit here on a Saturday night before this blank white screen..a screen that frightens me at times..a screen where i look for some of the same elk..those that understand living on the outer edges of time,society and what ever is classed as of the most tangled words known in English....that froths in my mind...
Usually i am in the dragon pit blowing bubbles and drifting through shuffle on my i-pod....glad that the working saddle has been thrown off....and Elvis is King....where it does not matter how many bubbles i blow kisses at,and time well can kiss my...!!!! the darkness creeps in blotting the landscape with that dark curly leaf..the new year is on my mind also..and the thoughts of aims i want to do within this worth pondering for awhile....2015 the 800th mile stone for the Magna Carta...some thing to blend within the wheat fields, to tramp amongst the woodland, to sit on a hill top and ponder why after 800 years the working class are still very much in the dark...three miles behind the front line, unless it is giving their life over the barbed wire..yes an interesting year ahead...So Goeth...

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